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Financial Statement Checklist

Tips to fill it out right.

  1. Must be on pink paper.

  2. 1. Must be on pink paper.

    If you use the wrong color you cannot file.

  3. Short Form is for income of less than $75K.

  4. 2. Short Form is for income of less than $75K.

    The short form is here if your client makes less than $75,000 per year.

    If your client makes more than $75,000 per year use the long form.

  5. When calculating monthly amounts remember there are 4.3 weeks in a month for calculations.

  6. 3. When calculating monthly amounts remember there are 4.3 weeks in a month for calculations.

    For example, $500 per week is $2,150 per month

    $500 x 4.3 = $2,150

  7. Financial statements are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

  8. 4. Financial statements are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

  9. Verify information your client gives you

  10. 5. Verify information your client gives you

    Ask to see and look at:

    • pay stubs
    • tax returns or
    • call employer
  11. Client signs under the pains and penalties of perjury.

  12. 6. Client signs under the pains and penalties of perjury.

  13. Attorney signs stating that s/he has no knowledge of any false information.

  14. 7. Attorney signs stating that s/he has no knowledge of any false information.

    You are verifying the accuracy of your client's information.  Be sure the form is as accurate as possible.