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Separation Agreement Checklist

A checklist of content to consider in a separation agreement.

  1. Statement of facts

  2. 1. Statement of facts

  3. General understanding and disclosure

  4. 2. General understanding and disclosure

  5. Waiver of estate

  6. 3. Waiver of estate

  7. Mutual release

  8. 4. Mutual release

  9. Merger v. survival

  10. 5. Merger v. survival

  11. Validity

  12. 6. Validity

  13. Governing law

  14. 7. Governing law

  15. Issues re: children (custody, child support, visitation) may always be modified

  16. 8. Issues re: children (custody, child support, visitation) may always be modified

  17. Child custody- and parenting/holiday schedule

  18. 9. Child custody- and parenting/holiday schedule

  19. Alimony

  20. 10. Alimony

  21. Child support

  22. 11. Child support

  23. College expenses

  24. 12. College expenses

  25. Debts

  26. 13. Debts

  27. Health/dental insurance- and uninsured medical expenses

  28. 14. Health/dental insurance- and uninsured medical expenses

  29. Personal Property

  30. 15. Personal Property

  31. Life insurance

  32. 16. Life insurance

  33. Real estate/marital property

  34. 17. Real estate/marital property

  35. Taxes

  36. 18. Taxes