Massachusetts Advocates for Children (MAC) is a leading legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that every child, especially the most vulnerable, has equal access to educational opportunities and the support they need to succeed. At MAC, our work is driven by a community-informed, ground-up advocacy model. We provide legal representation to children with the greatest needs, focusing on those marginalized by the education system due to race, disability, language, immigration status, and poverty. Through our pro bono program, attorneys, paralegals, and law students can make a lasting impact on a student's education and create systemic change so all children and youth can thrive in the classroom and beyond. Our pro bono offerings are suitable for all experience levels and practice settings, ranging from small one-time research projects, to limited scope representation such as mediations, to attorneys looking to take on full representation special education cases. For more information, visit our website or email MAC Director of Pro Bono and Learning, Janine Solomon at