• 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: MIRA Coalition
  • On Zoom
  • Immigration

As the number of asylum seekers in MA continues to rise, it is more important than ever that immigration attorneys feel empowered to screen for and assist with asylum claims. This is particularly true for lawyers working with pro se applicants nearing their one year deadline. Please join the MIRA Coalition on April 11th and April 25th from 2-3pm for a two-part training series on strategies and best practices for supporting individuals with pro se asylum claims.

Attorney Jill Seeber, co-founder and executive director of the Mabel Center for Immigrant Justice, will share her experience working with asylum seekers and will guide attorneys through the asylum application process from screening to filing. During Session 1, participants will learn how to screen for and develop an individual's asylum claim. During Session 2, Attorney Seeber will review how to complete the I-589 itself, with a focus on best practices for pro se applicants. Both sessions will be recorded, and recordings will be shared out with participants after each presentation.

Register for Session 1 - Asylum Screening & Evaluation (4/11, 2pm-3pm)
Register for Session 2 - Asylum Application Assistance (4/25, 2pm-3pm)