Service By Publication Checklist

A checklist to ensure proper service by publication.

  1. File Motion for Alternate Service when you file the Complaint

  2. 1. File Motion for Alternate Service when you file the Complaint

  3. Court will mail to counsel of record:

  4. 2. Court will mail to counsel of record:

    o Summons by Publication and Mailing

    o Order of Service by Publication 

  5. Attempt Service By Mail:

  6. 3. Attempt Service By Mail:

    o Send Summons and Complaint certified mail to defendant’s last known address.

    Don’t open it when it comes back!

  7. Send request to newspaper selected by Court for publication before deadline selected by court.

  8. 4. Send request to newspaper selected by Court for publication before deadline selected by court.

  9. File the following with the Court:

  10. 5. File the following with the Court:

    o Completed Return of Service

    o Uncut original tear sheet from newspaper and

    o Returned, undelivered, certified mail to Defendant

  11. *In cases with minor children, make sure to file Affidavit Confirming Registration at Parent Education Program within 30 days of service*

  12. 6. *In cases with minor children, make sure to file Affidavit Confirming Registration at Parent Education Program within 30 days of service*