Keep Your Housing - A Guide to Help Mass. Tenants With Mental Health Issues Maintain Their Housing

From the Guide's introduction:

"This guide is designed to help tenants understand their housing rights and responsibilities, so that they are able to maintain their housing. This guide does not cover the topics of accessing housing or defending against eviction (although it does offer some limited advice with respect to eviction defense.) . . .

This guide may also be useful for individuals working with people with mental health disabilities, such as case managers, mental health providers, family members, and other advocates. . . .


This guide begins with a discussion of simple steps you can take to maintain your housing. It then describes how one can seek a reasonable accommodation to respond to a housing problem. The guide also discusses how reasonable accommodations can be used in the context of an eviction proceeding. The guide then addresses additional rights and responsibilities of tenants who live in certain federally funded housing programs: Shelter Plus Care, Supported Housing, and Safe Havens. Finally, this guide provides a short introduction to the eviction process and provides information about going to court for an eviction proceeding. At the end of the guide, there are contacts, published resources, and a glossary of terms.


This guide should not be used to take the place of legal advice from a lawyer or other competent professionals. If you have a legal problem or need more information about an individual situation, you should not rely solely on the information provided here. Instead you should seek the advice of a lawyer or other professional."


This item was originally posted at


  • Attachment(s): LINK
  • Organization: Northeastern University School of Law and Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee
  • Date Created: August 01, 2006
  • Mental Health
  • Housing