Fair Debt Collection Lawyer for the Day

Organization: Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association (VLP)

VLP assists low-income debtors and creditors with their civil debt collection lawsuits across the Greater Boston area. We are present in the courts on the day defendants' cases are being heard. Qualifying defendants can be represented by a VLP pro bono attorney for their hearing on a limited assistance basis. Volunteers can represent the client in negotiations with the debt or debt buyer, and they can also represent the client in their hearing.

Because this project is a Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) project, the attorney should have completed a do-it-yourself LAR training consisting of written materials and a video or live training. Click here for links to LAR training materials and forms. You can sign up here.

The Volunteer Lawyers Project provides primary malpractice insurance for all pro bono work done under this project. 

Clinic Locations and Times

Boston Municipal Court 

Civil Session– Every Wednesday: 8:30am - 11:30am

Small Claims– 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month: 1:30pm - 4:30pm

5th Floor of Edward Brooke Courthouse, 24 New Chardon Street, Boston

Dorchester Municipal Court-Small Claims

2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month: 10:30am - 1:30pm

510 Washington Street, Dorchester


  • Minimum Commitment
  • Mentoring Provided
  • Training Provided
  • Relevant Experience Preferred
  • LAR Certification Required
  • Malpractice Coverage Provided
  • Project Type
    Lawyer for the Day, Limited Assistance Representation (LAR)
  • Location Name
    Brooke Courthouse, Boston
  • Project For
    Attorney, Law student, Interpreter/Translator, Retired Lawyer/Judge
  • Populations Served
    General low-income, Seniors, Limited English Proficient
  • Subject Areas
  • Skills to be Developed
    Client advice and counseling, Client/witness interviewing, Court hearing, Pre-trial discovery, Trial, Contract drafting, Negotiation
  • Additional Date Information